Bring your new / used model train items and sell them in the Yard Sale while you attend clinics and visit layouts!
These are the rules to follow, if you want to participate in the NCX YARD SALE. The YARD SALE is a room where you can take model railroad items to sell to other NCX attendees. We’ll keep track of your sales and pay you cash on Saturday, less 10% commission.
YARD SALE is in room C307/309.
Bring items in on Friday, Oct 11 from 9am-12noon.
Sales will be from 1pm-9pm Friday and 9am-1pm Saturday, Oct 12.
Pick-up of unsold items and payouts will be from 2pm-5pm on Saturday.
Division 6 is NOT responsible for items left after 5pm on Saturday.
- As a seller, you must fill out the item registration sheet. Bring the filled-out sheet and
your items to the YARD SALE room on Friday, Oct 11 from 9am-12noon. Please also
make a copy of this sheet to keep for yourself!! - As a seller, your items must have a price sticker on them and then be wrapped in
clear cellophane to protect the item and the price sticker. - As a seller, all items brought for sale must be of a model railroad nature!
- As a seller, all items are to be priced in dollar increments. No $5.50 or $6.99… even
dollars ONLY! - As a seller, when you bring in items and your form, you will register them at the room
desk. You will receive a sticker for each item you are selling. You will put the item
number and your NCX registration number on the sticker and then place it on the item,
per your list.
Example – ITEM NUMBER – REGISTRATION NUMBER or 1-202 - There will be NO bags or backpacks allowed in the Yard Sale room.
- Please respect all items – do NOT move items around on the tables!!
- The price is the price!! There are no discounts or negotiating on prices!